Mitylene is hiring!!! Please DM us on Instagram if interested, @shopmitylene and click here for details!!

About Us

betsy-pomerantz-laura-graber-shopmityleneFashion and retail have always been a part of Laura Graber and Betsy Pomerantz's lives. Laura managed Tassels, a high end jewelry store in Buckhead (owned by Betsy’s mom), for 11 years and Betsy ran a sweet, one-of-a-kind online monogram and gift business. The two fashion-forward ladies have known one another for years and have become friends that are more like family. Over dinner this summer, Mitylene (Betsy's grandmother's name) was born!

With five children between them, (Betsy has 3 boys and Laura has a son and daughter), Betsy and Laura have struggled to find clothes that are not appliquéd with silly themes or clothes that looked like their parents clothes, just shrunk.  The result? Mitylene - a new boutique that retails very hard to find, unique and special lines.  Mitylene features collections out of Europe, niche brands, favorite US brands and even hand knits from the Andes. Every item has been hand picked by us, and is something we would be excited to dress our children in.

In April 2016, after hosting a successful trunk show for Dallas based Tish Cox, Mitylene began to stock hard to find lines for Women!  Mitylene is the new home of Tish Cox, MDS Stripes, Lingua Franca, and Dodobar Or.  Check back often as we are always adding new lines we LOVE!!!