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Brightening up our Blog!!

When we opened Mitylene, we met the most interesting and talented ladies who balance motherhood and their careers or households in such an effortless and stylish manner.  We have learned so much from them, and they have inspired us to be that much more creative.  

We loved every minute we spent with Laurie Byrne, of Preppy Paper Girl, our energetic, whimsical, colorful, bright and happiest of clients!!  The more we get to know her the more we love her!  Don't you want to get to know her too??!!

As always, thank you to Kim Busby Photography for her AMAZING photos!!!


Laurie is wearing the MDS Stripes Garden Dress in Hot pink, and MDS Stripes Everything Scarf in Coral.  Mercedes Salazar Pajaro Bag and Suzanna Dai Earrings.

Mitylene: Our tag line is "wear with love", what is one item you cherish and will always "wear with love" no matter what the latest trends may be?

Laurie Byrne: An Hermès scarf! Whether it’s a sash around the waist, tied at the neck into a bow, wrapped around like a shawl or a twilly tied in my ponytail....I love love a colorful scarf! It can transform a simple outfit into a really great one!

M: Tell us something about your business, how did you get started as the "Preppy Paper Girl?"

LB: Preppy Paper Girl was probably always inside me! I used to hoard seventeen magazines and cut them up and make collages of all the latest styles, pictures, sayings etc for all my girlfriends. I would spend hours and hours cutting and gluing paper! (I could probably tell you every single Cover Girl from the 80’s! Ha!)
I guess it really started when I got married and made all my out of town gift baskets and soon after others wanted me to do theirs! I started working at a little paper store when I was newly married and moved to Atlanta. The shop owner was so gracious and encouraged me to create! She would sample some pieces in her shop and they started selling! Who knew that some little calling cards that were cut down into the shape of little purses tied up with ribbon and monogrammed would be a launching pad to lots and lots of paper happies!

M: Who is your dream client?

LB: ohhhh I wish I could reverse that and BE the dream client!

M: How did your love for table-shaping come to be?

LB: I would say my love came from my mom. My mom always set the table, especially for special occasions; birthdays, Valentine’s, etc. It was always (and still is!) such a treat to wake up and come around the corner into the kitchen to balloons coming out of the chandelier and the table all decked out and decorated! She made everything fun and special for all of us!

M: What is your favorite meal to serve at your fabulous dinner parties?

LB: Is pimento cheese considered a meal?!? LOL My favorite meal is catered!

M: What situations make you the most uncomfortable (wish we had known this before we asked you?)?

LB: HaHa! Yes!!! Anything in front of a camera! My girlfriends would say ALOT of things make me uncomfortable and laugh while rolling their eyes!
Massages...very, very uncomfortable

M: You always look so amazing in color, what is your favorite color palate to wear?

LB: Lately I really love a bright, sunny yellow! Do y’all remember Color Me Beautiful? (Totally dating myself here) Yellow is not really in my “winter” color wheel but I sure do love it right now and if it’s bright...I want it!

M: You have such a chic preppy palm beach style, what is your most cherished piece in your wardrobe?

LB: There is not not one particular piece off the top of my head but I do love all my vintage dresses! I love something different and not everywhere! If it’s been in moth balls and tucked away in someone’s attic, I’m pretty sure I will love it more than than what’s currently hanging on the rack in Neiman’s...well, maybe

M: We loved every minute we spent with you on this project and both walked away saying we want more  "Laurie Time", how do you keep this positive way about yourself in the crazy world we live in?

LB: I have a pretty awesome family. I talk to my mom everyday if not multiple times a day. My husband and kiddo are kinda rockstars in my eyes. I have a really great core group of girls that have been around forever. Relationships are my key...I absolutely crave them! I think for me it starts with my relationship with the Lord and then all the other things fall into place. He is my helper, peace and friend in the chaos and crazy!

Lipstick and nail polish, Hot pink or Coral? Hot pink always!

Dine in or Take out? about dining in with take out? Delivery please!!!

Vacation or Stay-cation? Homebody with a side of vacation!

Book or movie? Movie

Heels or Flats? Heels!!!

Beach or Mountains? Beach!

Bikini or One piece? Oh about fabulous moo moo or a turtleneck?

Petit fours or Macroons? Petit fours!

Cocktails or Mocktails? Champagne!

Pink and Green or Blue and White? Pink and green

Sweet or Salty? Both! Sweet after a handful of salty!

Mindful Yoga or Dance Cardio? Hmmmm... I would probably cut a rug like Jennifer Beals and not be a bit mindful about it!

Fashion from 60's or 80s? Allllll the 60’s!!! It is my absolutely favorite!

Flocked or Natural Christmas Tree? Natural

London or Paris?  Paris!

New York or LA? New York!

East Coast or West Coast? East!

Sweet or Unsweet Tea? Unsweet

Laurie is wearing the MDS Stripes Tiered Tank Dress and Mercedes Salazar Pineapple Earrings.  Mercedes Salazar Pineapple and Lime Bag

Wear with Love,

XX Laura and Betsy


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